Category Archives: Religion’s Cell Articles

Paul’s Real Teaching as to Veiling – Part 1

Through translation, man has corrupted scripture in order to have power and control over women. The TRUTH we are taught regarding women, is nothing more than lies wrapped up with the palatable (for men) trappings of men’s interpretations, preconceptions and opinions.

Now that we have covered all the changes to these passages due to preconceptions and opinions of men, let’s look at the real meaning of the following passages. What one will realize is that women have been done a great injustice on this subject because of translation. Instead of these passages covering the truth, they have been “pointed” by translators to a LIE. . . a “subjugation and control” lie where women bare the brunt of the abuses, as a result. Here are the verses once again:

1 Cor. 11: 1-16 – The usual sense (not ours) put upon these words by expositors, beginning with verse 3, we give in the language of Dr. Weymouth’s Modern English translation:

(3) “I would have you know that of every man, Christ is Head,  that of a woman her husband is the Head, and that God is Christ’s Head. (4) A man who wears a veil praying or prophesying dishonours his Head; (5) but a woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her Head, for it is exactly the same as if she had her hair cut short. (6) If a woman will not wear a veil, let her also cut off her hair, but since it is a dishonour to a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her wear a veil. (7) For a man ought not to have a veil on his head, since he is the image and glory of God: while woman is the glory of man. (8) Man does not take his origin from woman, but woman takes hers from man. (9) For man was not created for woman’s sake, but woman for man’s. (10) That is why a woman ought to have on her head a symbol of subjection, because of the angels. (11) Yet, in the Lord, woman is not independent of man nor man independent of woman. (12) For just as woman originates from man, so also man comes into existence through woman, but everything springs originally from God. (13) Judge of this for your own selves: is it seemly for a woman to pray to God when she is unveiled? (14) Does not nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a dishonour to him, (15) but if a woman has long hair it is her glory, because her hair was given to her for a covering? (16) But if anyone is inclined to be contentious on the point, we have no such custom, nor have the churches of God.”

I would sincerely ask that you please click on these links to read the eight MISFITS of these verses by Hebrew and Greek Scholar, Katherine Bushnell: Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3 and Part 4.


The real purpose of these passages was to stop the practice of men veiling in worship, as Dr. John Lightfoot so ably contends. The Jewish man veiled as a sign of reverence before God, and of condemnation for sin. This sort of head covering was called a tallith, and is worn, to this day, “by all male worshippers at the morning prayer on week days, sabbaths and holy days: by the hazzan at every prayer before the ark: by the reader of the scroll of the law when on the almemar,”–so states the Jewish Cyclopaedia. The hazzan is the chief functionary of the synagogue, and the almemar is the reading-desk. The Romans also veiled in worship, and the Corinthian church was made up in large part of Roman converts. The testimony disagrees as to whether Greeks veiled in worship, or did not. The question therefore arose, were women to be forbidden veiling, as the Christian men, or not? Paul, in the passage, (1) forbids men to veil (since “There is now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus”); (2) permits women to veil; (3) but guards against this permission being construed as a command to veil, by showing that ideally  the woman should unveil, before God, man, and angels; (4) shows that there is special propriety in women unveiling when addressing God in prayer; (5) declares that (contrary to the teaching of the Jews) there is nothing for a woman to be ashamed of in showing her hair, for it is a “glory” to her; (6) and disavows veiling as a church custom.

St. Paul’s words are to be interpreted as follows:

3. But I wish you to understand that of every [Christian] man Christ is the Head; but of a wife the husband is a head [also]; and God is Christ’s Head.

4. Any [Christian] man praying or prophesying, having his head covered [as is required among the Jews, in sign of guilt and condemnation] dishonours his Head [Christ, who has atoned for all his sins.].

5. But any wife praying or prophesying bare-headed dishonours her [other] head [her husband], for it would be one and the same thing as [having] her head shaved.

6. For [Jewish law provides that] if a woman is not covered, let her be shorn. Now if it would bring disgrace to a woman to be shorn or shaven, let her be covered.

First of all we wish to say, where the practice has ceased of veiling in sign of guilt and condemnation before God and His law, this whole teaching, in its literal sense, has no application; the veil has no significance, and can be worn or rejected in worship. But the spiritual teaching remains, that among those who believe that Christ has made for them a full and SUFFICIENT atonement, any badge that signifies guilt or penance for sin is out of place, for women as much as for men. This is the lesson for all Christians to learn. Women need to especially learn a lesson here; what have they to do with wearing a badge of servility to the male, because of Eve’s sin? Has not Christ atoned for Eve’s sin also? Does that remain as the ONE point where Christ’s atonement failed?

(Verse 3) We add the word “Christian”, to verse 3, because, as Chrysostom says: “He cannot be the Head of those who are not in the Body. . . so when he says ‘of every man’ one must understand it of believers.” We add “also” because woman could not be a believer at all, and in the Body, unless Christ were likewise her Head. The word used here and throughout this passage, for man, is aner, meaning “the adult male, or husband.” Dean Stanley rightly explains, “Anthropos [“man” without regard to gender] would have been the natural word to use with reference to Christ. . . but for the sake of contrast with ‘woman’ he has changed it to aner.” But there is further reason: according to the Oral Law of the Jews the aner alone was obliged to wear the tallith.

(Verse 4) “Every man (aner) . . . having his head covered dishonoureth,” not “his own head, by wearing the token of subjection,” as expositors say, but dishonoureth Christ. The symbolic language of “headship” having just been introduced, in all fairness it requires its application to what follows. Besides, Paul taught actual “subjection” of man to man, and to religious leaders, Eph. 5:21, 1 Cor. 16:16, and hence would NOT teach that the mere symbol of “subjection” was not to be allowed the male. The meaning is, “every man. . .having his head covered dishonours Christ his head,” by wearing the tallith.

(Verse 5) If I should describe how I had burned down a house, I should have small chance of escaping punishment by a mere denial, later, that I had done so. A sufficient proof that I had done the deed is “But you have even told HOW you did it.”  So here; a description by the person as to HOW a thing may be done nullifies the force of a seeming denial by that same person of that deed. Says Dr. A.J. Gordon: “It is quite incredible that the Apostle should have given himself the trouble to prune a custom which he desired to uproot, or that he should spend his breath in condemning a forbidden method of doing a forbidden thing.” These words prove conclusively to an unprejudiced mind that Paul DID NOT silence women praying and prophesying in the churches, as is claimed in the ordinary interpretation of 1 Cor. 14:34.

“Dishonoureth her head,” i.e., her husband rather than her own head, in analogy to the argument of verse 4. This is because she would lay herself open to the charge (before Jewish law at least), of being an adulteress, and such a charge is always considered dishonouring to a husband. In what sense it would amount to having the head shaved, the next verse explains.

(Verse 6) “For if the woman be not covered, let her be shorn.” Paul refers to the Oral Law of the Jews. Says Lightfoot: He “does not here speak in his own sense but cites something usual among the Jews.” It admits of proof that such was the Oral Law. A woman “sinner” is described in the Talmud as “she who transgresseth the law of Moses and the Jewish law.” The gloss explains: ” ‘The Jewish law, that is, what the daughters of Israel follow though it be not written” (i.e. the Oral Law). The question was asked: “How does she transgress the Jewish law? Answer: “If she appear abroad with her head uncovered, if she spin in the streets,” etc., etc., through a long list. For the offences here enumerated, one of which is uncovering the head, it is prescribed that the wife should be divorced “with the loss of her marriage portion.” (Kethuboth, fol. 7, col. I). Furthermore, in that section of the Talmud called “Sotah,” which treats of unchaste women, under the sub-head, Of the duty of Repudiation of a Wife for adultery, we learn that this DUTY rested upon a Jew whose wife was seen abroad with her hair “not don up”, i.e. not covered. Thus we learn that a Jew, even if favorably disposed towards his wife’s profession of Christianity, and towards the practice of unveiling in worship, might be compelled by his relatives or the synagogue authorities, much to his regret, to divorce his wife, if she unveiled. The rest of the story, as to what would be done with the woman who unveiled, and thus furnished sufficient proof of “adultery” to compel her husband to repudiate her, we learn from Dr. Edersheim’s Sketches of Jewish Social Life, p. 155: “It was the custom in case of a woman accused of adultery to have her hair shorn or shaven,” at the same time using this formula: “Because thou hast departed from the manner of the daughters of Israel, who go with their head covered. . . therefore that hath befallen thee which thou hast chosen.” An unveiled Jewish wife might, then, be tried for adultery; and when so tried, be “shorn or shaven.” Paul here cites this obstruction to commanding women to unveil, but her permits it (verse 10).

“Now if it is a shame,”–The word translated “but” (de) readily admits of the translation “now” in this sense, see Jno. 6:10, 19:23, 1 Cor. 15:50 etc. That is, if it be a case which disgrace and divorce would follow, she is permitted to cover the head,– “Let her be covered.”

A little historical evidence at this point ought to go a long way. If the Apostle, as is so often assumed, was accustomed to forbid women unveiling, how did it come to pass that women “sat unveiled in the assemblies in a separate place, by the presbyters,” and were “ordained by the laying on of hands,” until the eleventh canon of the Church Council of Laodicea forbade it, in 363 A.D.? I give the account in the words of Dean Alford in his comments on 1 Tim. 5:9; the same admission is made by Conybeare and Howson in their Life of St. Paul, and stands undisputed in church history. (to be continued)

— Katherine Bushnell, 1923

There is so much more to come on this topic that I must stop here and continue in another lesson. Please remember that thus far, what has been taught has been skewed to put women in a place of subjugation and control that the Bible did not authorize nor command.  History must be studied in conjunction with scripture to ‘unmask’ the MISFITS used by men to point women to a place of servility to men.  You won’t want to miss the continuence of this “unveiling” of the real meaning behind these passages! Please subscribe to the news feed so you do not miss the next article.

Sex Bias in the New Testament – The “Veil”- Part 4

genderbias2Taking up where I left off in Part 3, we will finish with Bushnell’s lesson, quoting what is taught in these passages by Bible commentators.  Once again, remember that we are talking about the following passages that have been changed by translators to point women toward powerlessness and servitude and, have exposed women to all manner of abuses from men.

1 Cor. 11: 1-16 – The usual sense (not ours) put upon these words by expositors, beginning with verse 3, we give in the language of Dr. Weymouth’s Modern English translation:

(3) “I would have you know that of every man, Christ is Head,  that of a woman her husband is the Head, and that God is Christ’s Head. (4) A man who wears a veil praying or prophesying dishonours his Head; (5) but a woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her Head, for it is exactly the same as if she had her hair cut short. (6) If a woman will not wear a veil, let her also cut off her hair, but since it is a dishonour to a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her wear a veil. (7) For a man ought not to have a veil on his head, since he is the image and glory of God: while woman is the glory of man. (8) Man does not take his origin from woman, but woman takes hers from man. (9) For man was not created for woman’s sake, but woman for man’s. (10) That is why a woman ought to have on her head a symbol of subjection, because of the angels. (11) Yet, in the Lord, woman is not independent of man nor man independent of woman. (12) For just as woman originates from man, so also man comes into existence through woman, but everything springs originally from God. (13) Judge of this for your own selves: is it seemly for a woman to pray to God when she is unveiled? (14) Does not nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a dishonour to him, (15) but if a woman has long hair it is her glory, because her hair was given to her for a covering? (16) But if anyone is inclined to be contentious on the point, we have no such custom, nor have the churches of God.”

I would sincerely ask that you please click on these links to read the eight MISFITS: Part 1 and Part 2 and Part 3.

Dean Alford says, “Man is God’s glory: He has put him His majesty, and he represents God on earth; woman is man’s glory: taken from the man, shining not with light direct from God, but with light derived from man.”  Jamieson, Faussett and Brown, in their commentary, say: “As the moon in relation to the sun, so woman shines not so much with light direct from God, as light derived from man . . . Through him it [the veil] connects her with Christ.” But quaint old Dr. John Lightfoot, who at many points gives the best interpretation of the passage extant, is the funniest of them all on two phrases in it. He says, here, “A woman praying not veiled, as if she were not ashamed of her face, disgraceth man her head, while she would seem so beautiful beyond him, when she is only the glory of man; but man is the glory of God.” To be sure! When the “moon succeeds in outshining the “sun,” of which it is merely a reflection, it is time for the “sun” to cry, “Disgraceful!”

To sum up, these men affect to be more wise than Moses, who “whist not that the skin of his face shone.”

As to the veil, some declare that it is to be worn as an “authorization” to pray and prophesy; others, that it is a “power,” because worn by married women, who are raised in dignity because married. (How about the Christian wife of a libertine or drunkard?) But the attempt to substitute the idea of “subjection”– no power– for the word “power” is shameful. Prof. Lias, for instance, editor of the Cambridge Bible for Schools, for this Epistle, makes this remark:  “The abstract is put for the concrete, the authority itself for the token of being under authority.” If it be allowable to treat this verse so, then we may read elsewhere, “The Son of Man hath a token of being under authority,” instead of reading that He “hath power” to forgive sin. “Behold I give you power . . . over all the enemy,” might read, “Behold I give you a token of being under the power of the enemy,”–and other passages may be corrupted after the same manner. Edwardes, quoted by Weymouth and others with approval, substitutes “subjection” for “authority,” declaring, in explanation that “Authority and subjection are opposite sides of the same fact.” Certainly they are, and so are love and hate, black and white, honesty and dishonesty, the truth and a lie, and those who substitute “subjection” where the Word of God reads “authority” change the truth of God into a lie.

 As to the phrase, “because of the angels,” Bishop Ellicott’s commentary says, “They are good angels, and should not be tempted” by the sight of a woman’s face. Stanley adds to the thought by saying that women must defy the authority of even the angels before God’s throne. But if women had done so badly, no Christ would have been born; there would have been no Gospel for men to preach. To such views, Dr. Agar Beet rightly replies, “If the angels of God are in danger of being led into sin by the sight of a woman’s face, the angels of God are much weaker, in the matter of sensual desire, than are average Englishmen of the present day.” In all this, we are to SUPPOSE that angels are all of the MALE SEX (Note: The Bible says they are neither male nor female); that they cannot see through a woman’s veil; and that women have no other opportunities for “tempting angels” excepting when praying or prophesying in church. Others teach that the angels come to church to see if the women are veiled or not,–not the best motive for church-going. Still others, that “angels” mean “spies.” But Dr. John Lightfoot taught that these were seeking mates for young men; and St. Paul rules that girls have a right to unveil their faces, to catch husbands!

As to Paul’s transition from the veil to hair, in general the expositors ASSUME that the woman’s hair indicates where the veil should go, and translate the Greek preposition anti (always implying substitution, or barter) as “for,” when it should be rendered “instead of,”–“hair is given her INSTEAD OF a covering.” Alford gives us logic of this teaching:

“When we deal with the properties of the artificial state, of clothing the body, we must be regulated by nature’s suggestion: that which she has indicated to be left uncovered, we must so leave; that which she has covered, when we clothe the body, we must likewise cover.  This is the argument.” The italics are Alford’s. His reasoning is surprising indeed, when reduced to the syllogism,–as contradictory as most of the reasoning on this passage:

“That which Nature has left uncovered, we must so leave.” Nature has left the face of woman “uncovered.” Ergo: “We must leave” the face of woman “uncovered.” Again: “That which nature has covered, when we clothe the body we must cover likewise.” “Nature has covered” the face of man–with a beard. Ergo: “When we clothe the body” man “must cover” the face “likewise.”

Having convinced himself that Paul teaches in this passage the supremacy and splendour of the male sex, next the commentator grows ashamed of the weakness of the reasoning which leads to these conclusions, and apologizes, not for himself, but for St. Paul. The lameness of Paul’s logic  is due to “his early training in the great rabbinical schools.” “He is not free,” says Sir Wm. Ramsey (for example), “from the beliefs and even the superstitions of his age. . . In the non-essentials he sometimes, or often, remains impeded and encumbered by the tone and ideas of his age. . . The instructions which he sometimes gives regarding the conduct of women are peculiarly liable to be affected by current popular ideas. . . Where both angels and women are found in any passage, Paul is peculiarly liable to be fettered by current ideas and superstitions. (As though Paul had about a thousand passages relating to “angels and women” instead of one!)

The truth is, had some of these expositors been one-tenth as broad as St. Paul on the “woman question,” and honest besides, we should never have been taught these pitiful, puerile and ego-centric perversions of Paul’s meaning. If there had been any reasons for ordering women to veil in church, would not the Holy Ghost have seen to it that those reasons were properly voiced by the Apostle, whether Paul approved of the ruling personally or not? The Holy Ghost–the Spirit of truth–does not descend to sophistry, to induce women to do the will of God; and when we find sophistry in association with the Word of God, we may rest assured that it is always because of man’s UNLAWFUL MANIPULATION of the Word; it cannot belong to the original text. . .  (to be continued)

— Katherine Bushnell, 1923

The next lesson will be what Paul’s REAL purpose of these passages was. You do not want to miss the true meaning of these so that “what man has taught for truth” can be compared to “what God teaches” and the light of truth may shine and expose the corruption and lies of ego-centric men that changed his words into a lie– a lie that has caused women much suffering and hardship throughout history! It is time to expose the “doctrines and commandments of men” for what they are.  Please subscribe to the news feed so you do not miss the coming lessons!

Sex Bias in the New Testament – The “Veil” – Part 3

genderbiasFinally, the last two MISFITS are unveiled regarding these passages of scripture. Hopefully, one will realize that the changes made due to Sex Bias have had profound repercussions to women worldwide; especially those that still have to “veil” today due to men’s interpretations of “scripture.”  One must realize that men have kept women from translation and, have changed the original manuscripts, so that THEY can determine what the scriptures say regarding themselves and women. Without fail, men have made absolutely sure that they are written into scripture as the dominant and “most beloved of God,” people.  Rest assured, that women would not make changes that would be to their detriment and cause the sexual exploitation, abuse and subjugation that women have endured throughout history as a result. Let’s look at the last two MISFITS. Here’s the passages, once again, in question:

1 Cor. 11: 1-16 – The usual sense (not ours) put upon these words by expositors, beginning with verse 3, we give in the language of Dr. Weymouth’s Modern English translation:

(3) “I would have you know that of every man, Christ is Head,  that of a woman her husband is the Head, and that God is Christ’s Head. (4) A man who wears a veil praying or prophesying dishonours his Head; (5) but a woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her Head, for it is exactly the same as if she had her hair cut short. (6) If a woman will not wear a veil, let her also cut off her hair, but since it is a dishonour to a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her wear a veil. (7) For a man ought not to have a veil on his head, since he is the image and glory of God: while woman is the glory of man. (8) Man does not take his origin from woman, but woman takes hers from man. (9) For man was not created for woman’s sake, but woman for man’s. (10) That is why a woman ought to have on her head a symbol of subjection, because of the angels. (11) Yet, in the Lord, woman is not independent of man nor man independent of woman. (12) For just as woman originates from man, so also man comes into existence through woman, but everything springs originally from God. (13) Judge of this for your own selves: is it seemly for a woman to pray to God when she is unveiled? (14) Does not nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a dishonour to him, (15) but if a woman has long hair it is her glory, because her hair was given to her for a covering? (16) But if anyone is inclined to be contentious on the point, we have no such custom, nor have the churches of God.”

I would sincerely ask that you please click on these links to read the first six MISFITS: Part 1 and Part 2.

The Seventh MISFIT

Verse 14 purports to be a question asking, “Doth not nature itself teach you that if a man have long hair it is a shame?” Now every candid person must answer this question with a “No.”  It is not nature, but a barber who keep’s man’s hair short.  In China, millions of men wear long hair, and nature has never taught them that it is a shame.  Furthermore, the last time the Corinthians saw the apostle Paul before he wrote this Epistle, he himself had long hair (Acts 18:18); and to the Jew, accustomed to religious vows (Num. 6:1-21), long hair, religiously speaking, was more of a “glory” than a “shame.”  Additionally to this, the native Corinthians would have thought this a strange question to submit to them, for they would boast that they were descendants of the “long-haired Achaeans,” celebrated as such on almost every page of that most famous and most ancient Greek Poem, Homer’s Iliad. Therefore we do not believe that St. Paul asked a question, here. His simple statement of fact, “Nor doth nature teach you,” has been changed into a question by the uninspired men who put in the punctuation marks centuries later than St. Paul wrote these words. As a question, this is a TREMENDOUS MISFIT. It contradicts a fact of nature; it makes St. Paul inconsistent in his practice with his teaching; it is an entirely unsuitable question to submit to Achaeans.

The Eight MISFIT

Verse 16, “We have no such custom.” What custom? Most commentator’s assume that this means, “We have no such DEFIANCE of custom, as women unveiling.” But this is not what Paul says, but the exact contrary. We cannot insert “defiance of custom” in the place of “custom” without introducing a contradiction. Paul is talking of some custom, which he repudiates. What is it? Veiling, of course; this is the only custom mentioned (unless it be that of wearing long hair, a custom for women; or wearing short hair, which was the usual custom for men,–and no one thinks it means these latter). Paul has been talking, almost wholly, of the custom of veiling, and he now says, “We have no such custom.” He renounces the custom. this verse cannot be easily reconciled with the teaching that St. Paul is here strengthening a prevalent custom.

Now we have discovered that every portion of St. Paul’s argument (if we change the punctuation of verses 13 and 14), and certainly his plain statement that women “ought to have authority” over their own heads, fits better to an argument for UNVEILING than for veiling. But there remain the statements in verses 5 and 6, where Paul says that the woman who unveils dishonours her head. Can they be explained to accord with the idea that St. Paul is not teaching the veiling of women? We promise a satisfactory explanation to that effect in due course.  But before we leave our present topic, we must consider how at variance with COMMON SENSE and true religion as well as sound logic is the whole tenor and spirit of this traditional MISINTERPRETATION of St. Paul. So true is this, that after standing for its teaching, as to the main points (those that appeal to the vanity of the male sex, and the love of dominion over the female sex), the men apologize that such (worthy) points are not supported by worthier arguments on the part of St. Paul,– as though the Holy Spirit could not have caused the Apostle to set forth God’s GOOD reasons for veiling women, had God wished women to be veiled!

To impress the need of a more intelligent interpretation of this passage, we must give some further idea of what has been taught by commentators. If after this general survey you want to cling to the traditional misinterpretation, then it will not be for the lack of knowledge that something better is sadly needed.

“The image and glory of God.” The comments here must needs remind one of the words of the Psalmist, “Verily every man at his best estate is altogether vanity.” Dr. Agar Beet says, “Man is an outshining of the splendour of God. By looking at him we see in dim outline what God is.” Dr. Kling, “Paul indicates the godlike rule and lordly majesty which the position of man as the head of his wife involves.” He explains the meaning of “the woman is the glory of the man” thus: “In her management as his housewife, the exalted position of man is manifest.” Men would have made precisely the same sense out of the words, doubtless, if Paul had said instead, “The man is the glory of the woman.” Dr. Cruden says, “Since God would have the male sex to be a kind of representation of His glory, majesty and power, a man ought not, by hiding his face, . . . to conceal the glory of God shining in him.”  Dean Stanley says, “Man, therefore ought to have nothing on his head which represents so divine a majesty–nothing on a countenance which reflects so divine a glory.” Dr. Adam Clarke says: “Man is, among the creatures, the representative of the glory and perfections of God. . . So woman is, in the house and family, the representative of the power and authority of the man.”  . . .(to be continued)

— Katherine Bushnell, 1923

As always, I must stop for brevity’s sake. These lessons need to be easy to read and quick to read. I will continue the last parts of Bushnell’s lesson in the next article entitled “Sex Bias in the New Testament – The “Veil” – Part 4.  If ever there was a Bible lesson that one needed to partake of, it would be these lessons on this topic of veiling that have caused women so much abuse throughout history and even today, the world over. Once I have covered the corruption in these passages, I will then show what Paul’s real teaching as to Veiling, is. Be sure to subscribe to my news feed so as not to miss these important lessons!

Sex Bias in the New Testament – The “Veil”- Part 2

veil debatesIn part one of “Sex Bias in the New Testament” I started covering passages of scripture that have been used for centuries to subjugate and control women. What people do not know about these passages, due to lack of education in Hebrew and/or Greek, is that men have changed the meaning of scripture through translation to insert their own preconceptions and opinions about women. They have substituted and/or changed words or, changed or added punctuation that will change meaning and take authority and power away from women. Many of these words that they substitute, have nothing to do with the original words in the manuscripts.  Thus, the end result being subjugation and abuse of women throughout history.

Since this is a long topic and I have eight MISFITS in these passages to cover, it is imperative that I break it up into several articles for ease of reading as well as for brevity. Let’s review the passages in question:

1 Cor. 11: 1-16 – The usual sense (not ours) put upon these words by expositors, beginning with verse 3, we give in the language of Dr. Weymouth’s Modern English translation:

(3) “I would have you know that of every man, Christ is Head,  that of a woman her husband is the Head, and that God is Christ’s Head. (4) A man who wears a veil praying or prophesying dishonours his Head; (5) but a woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her Head, for it is exactly the same as if she had her hair cut short. (6) If a woman will not wear a veil, let her also cut off her hair, but since it is a dishonour to a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her wear a veil. (7) For a man ought not to have a veil on his head, since he is the image and glory of God: while woman is the glory of man. (8) Man does not take his origin from woman, but woman takes hers from man. (9) For man was not created for woman’s sake, but woman for man’s. (10) That is why a woman ought to have on her head a symbol of subjection, because of the angels. (11) Yet, in the Lord, woman is not independent of man nor man independent of woman. (12) For just as woman originates from man, so also man comes into existence through woman, but everything springs originally from God. (13) Judge of this for your own selves: is it seemly for a woman to pray to God when she is unveiled? (14) Does not nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a dishonour to him, (15) but if a woman has long hair it is her glory, because her hair was given to her for a covering? (16) But if anyone is inclined to be contentious on the point, we have no such custom, nor have the churches of God.”

I would sincerely ask that you please click on the link above for the first article to see the first three MISFITS. I will take up on Misfit #4 here.

The Fourth MISFIT

Verse 7 reads, “A man ought not to cover his head, forasmuch as he is the image and glory of God.” And so is woman, in precisely the same sense,– “In the image of God made He him, male and female made He them,” — and hence she ought not to cover her head. Any argument drawn from the “image” idea must apply surely quite as equally to woman, who was created at the same time as man, and by the same act (Read my chapter, “Male and Female Created He them”  in my book, Religion’s Cell: Doctrines of the Church that lead to Bondage and Abuse). It is the spirit of phallic worship which contends that this image inheres in physical sex, not the spiritual characteristics. And if a man ought not to veil before God because he is “the glory of God,” then woman should not veil before man because she is “the glory of man.” Here then is set forth again a double reason for women unveiling. . . Yet the commentator declares this an argument for the veiling of woman.

The Fifth MISFIT

Verses 11 and 12, if they mean anything, are an argument that men and women are to be dealt with exactly alike, are on precisely the same level “in the Lord” (that is, after they become Christians); these words cannot be fitted to an argument placing woman under the power of man, or legislating specially for her part from man, in the Church of God.

The Sixth MISFIT

Verse 13, “Judge in yourselves.” Rather, “among yourselves.” This phrase should end verse 12; see 10:15. According to the usual representation of conditions at Corinth, St. Paul would never have said this, in connection with verse 13, unless he meant that the men should judge for the women; and there is not a scrap of evidence that he meant any such thing, especially since he had already said that the woman ought to have authority over her own head. We will describe these conjectured conditions at Corinth in the words of Dr. Ernest Von Dobschutz, Prof. N.T. Theology in Strasburg University, written in 1904:

“Corinth was full of prostitutes. The temple of Aphrodite on the fort alone possessed over a thousand ‘hierodules,’ (temple slaves), a dedicatory gift to the goddess from men and women, as Strabo tells us. We cannot discover the character of the female element in the Christian church. It is very certain that many honourable women of better standing were Christians. . . But the Christian community could not have lacked persons who before their conversion followed dishonourable pursuits any more than it lacked slaves. . . Should the honourable matron, used to a strict morality, sit, not only next her slave, but also next a former prostitute? Should the former lay aside her veil, which she was accustomed to wear outside the house, or should the latter assume it? Were the freedom and equality with men, which were conceded in public life to the hetaira, to hold good, or the chase seclusion and subjection prescribed by usage for the honourable wife? the Gospel recognized the full equality of man and woman in religion, more clearly perhaps than was the case in pagan cults, or even in Judaism itself. Did not the claim of women to equality of position within the Church follow? As usual, the freer and more progressive tendency gained more acceptance.”

Then the writer draws a picture of the women all arrayed against Paul, proving themselves his worst enemies in the Corinthian church, and adds:

“He (Paul) becomes impassioned whenever he has to speak of their ’emancipation,’ which nothing could bring to reason . . . Paul insists on veiling.  He declares their position of subordination “demands an external sign, ‘because of the angels’ lest they [the angels] should lust after the woman, who belongs to her husband alone.”

Let us women exercise a little common sense here. These temple women, dedicated to the goddess of sensuality, Aphrodite, were slaves. They went bareheaded, having shaved heads. Some were supposed to have been converted, and to have entered the church; and the question arises, shall the “honourable women of better standing” be allowed to copy slave-prostitutes in dress and manners? They are determined to do so, and defy Paul’s authority, while the latter “becomes impassioned whenever he has to speak of their ’emancipation’.” Could anything be more ridiculous? Free women, because emancipated, wishing to imitate slaves! Imagine women of our Southern States, after Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation, or their own enfranchisement, being provoked thereby to copy the dress of the negresses!

This is all pure conjecture.  There is not a scrap of historical evidence that the women at Corinth wished to unveil, and there exists considerable evidence to the contrary. But were it true, and St. Paul had such difficulties to contend against, then he would never have said, “Judge in yourselves,” but “The men alone must judge for the women.”

We believe that the remainder of the verse is a simple statement: “It is comely that a woman pray unto God uncovered.” Moses, when veiled before the people, always unveiled when he went back into the Tabernacle to commune with God,–Ex. 34:34; Thence Paul rules that the women, even if not free to unveil before men, will be doing a very proper thing to unveil before God (2Cor. 3:18). We must bear in mind, here, that a change from question to statement does not involve the change, in Greek, of the order of words, (such as from “is it” to “it is”); and punctuation is a matter of more recent days than Paul’s time.

— Katherine Bushnell, 1923

(To be Continued)

Venn Diagram for Spiritual Abuse – By David Hayward

David Hayward is the “nakedpastor”: A graffiti artist on the walls of religion. He is also the artist that drew the artwork on the cover of my book, Religion’s Cell: Doctrines of the Church that Lead to Bondage and Abuse.  He draws satire and reveals truths through his art that many are afraid to speak aloud. His latest artwork hits home as always.  You can view more of his work on his website by clicking here – nakedpastor

venn diagram
“Venn Diagram for Spiritual Abuse” by nakedpastor David Hayward

I have been in and observed spiritually abusive situations. I think this diagram generally represents most of them. I can identify with all of them. You?

I have entrusted myself, willingly, to leaders I admired. Even loved. I wanted to serve them, help them, and further their ministry. I believed in it. I was on board, on the same page, riding the same bus to the same destination. I voluntarily and enthusiastically signed up.

I have also entrusted myself to leaders because I felt that I should. They were my pastors or my teachers or my leaders. Sometimes even my bosses. I agreed to the terms and conditions and, because it was the right thing to do and because I was being paid by them, I therefore submitted myself to their authority.

I have also entrusted myself to leaders because I didn’t feel that I had a choice at the time. The situation was so complicated and my family or friends were so enmeshed in the system and I was so enmeshed with my family or friends that I couldn’t see a way to extricate myself from it all. The best way that I could see my way through at the time was to stay, not rock the boat, and wait for the prime opportunity when it presented itself to get the heck out of there.

This is all from my perspective. But the other ingredient is the leader’s belief that he can use that. . .

To read the rest of this story, click here – nakedpastor

Sex Bias in the New Testament – The “Veil”- Part 1

veilUnderstanding the impact that these seemingly minor changes in scripture have had upon women is vitally important. Women everywhere suffer bondage and abuse because of these changes made in translation. This is why I continually point out the changes that translators made due to Sex Bias.  The wrongs that have been done to women are huge as a result of these changes. They have affected every woman worldwide for centuries. Because of the many changes that translators have done, the Bible has become a weapon used to abuse women without recourse to the abuser.  It’s time for people to wake up to these changes and give women their proper authority, equality, honor and dignity back– as men stripped these things from us through translation. In the following passages of scripture that are used to subjugate women, Bushnell exposes the changes made by translators to write women out of equality, power and authority. There are a total of EIGHT changes that will be covered in subsequent articles that unveil the truth of what these passages really mean and how men’s changes in translation, give them all power and control over women.

Exousiathis word occurs 103 times in the N.T. It is rendered “authority” 29 times; “power” 69 times; “right” twice; and once each “liberty,” “jurisdiction,” and “strength.”

Its meaning is patent; there is no mystery about the word. But in one single instance it happens to be used exclusively of woman’s power. Here at once its sense is called into question. It cannot be possible that women should have power! (sarcasm intended) In the margin the translators write the longest note to be found in all the Bible (see A.V.) to explain how Paul means that this “power” must be abdicated by woman, in order that her HUSBAND may assume it instead.  How typical of men to do this in scripture. Let’s talk about this misfit, and others, that rob women of power and gives that “power” over to their husbands. These are only small changes in translation, BUT, with HUGE consequences for women everywhere.

1 Cor. 11: 1-16 – The usual sense (not ours) put upon these words by expositors, beginning with verse 3, we give in the language of Dr. Weymouth’s Modern English translation:

(3) “I would have you know that of every man, Christ is Head,  that of a woman her husband is the Head, and that God is Christ’s Head. (4) A man who wears a veil praying or prophesying dishonours his Head; (5) but a woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonours her Head, for it is exactly the same as if she had her hair cut short. (6) If a woman will not wear a veil, let her also cut off her hair, but since it is a dishonour to a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, let her wear a veil. (7) For a man ought not to have a veil on his head, since he is the image and glory of God: while woman is the glory of man. (8) Man does not take his origin from woman, but woman takes hers from man. (9) For man was not created for woman’s sake, but woman for man’s. (10) That is why a woman ought to have on her head a symbol of subjection, because of the angels. (11) Yet, in the Lord, woman is not independent of man nor man independent of woman. (12) For just as woman originates from man, so also man comes into existence through woman, but everything springs originally from God. (13) Judge of this for your own selves: is it seemly for a woman to pray to God when she is unveiled? (14) Does not nature itself teach you that if a man has long hair it is a dishonour to him, (15) but if a woman has long hair it is her glory, because her hair was given to her for a covering? (16) But if anyone is inclined to be contentious on the point, we have no such custom, nor have the churches of God.”


Now please note, first of all, that at verse 10, first clause, Dr. Weymouth substitutes something totally different from what the text says. The text reads, “ought to have power,” while Dr. Weymouth, following the usual interpretation, says, “ought to have . . . a symbol of subjection.” The original word for “power,” here, is exousia, meaning authority, right; the same word for “power,” and preposition for on, epi, (often translated “over”), with the same construction, will be found in many places,– for instance, Rev. 11:6, “They have power over waters to turn them to blood.” and likewise in Matthew, Mark, and Luke, in the sentence, “The Son of Man hath power on earth to forgive sins.” Furthermore, the original text here has never been called into question; the reading is as simple as it could possibly be, “The woman ought to have power over [rendered “on” in the English Versions] her head.” No scholar questions this.

At this place, the Authorized Version (KJV) introduces the longest Marginal Note to be found in the whole Bible. Where Paul says, “ought to have power,” the Note reads, “That is, a covering in sign that she is under the power of her husband.” This is certainly a most extraordinary substitute for the words of Scripture. Had it read merely, that she was to be “under power,” even that would have been a contradiction of the explicit statement of St. Paul; but they add to this contradicting thought: The woman is not only expected to yield to authority, instead of wielding authority, but also to “wear a sign” that she renounces the authority Paul gives her. and not only is she to renounce that authority, but to renounce it in favour of a particular person, — her husband. The BIBLE–St. Paul–says nothing of this sort, but the Marginal Note, and the Bible Commentators teach it.

For our part, we think it suspicious because that husbands, not wives, have discovered this extraordinary meaning for St. Paul’s words. If indeed a woman should wear “a sign of subjection” (and scholars can produce no Scriptural proof that a veil is a sign of subjection), then why should it not rather be a sign of subjection to God, whom she serves in prophesying, or whom she addresses in prayer?  Why is the husband thrust in by husbands, at this point? Dr. J.W. Thirtle makes the sensible remark here, “The context puts in no plea for anyone outside of the woman: it is THE WOMAN’S OWN AUTHORITY that is in question, and the Apostle defends it with his decisive OUGHT.” [The capitals are Dr. Thirtle’s.]

This phrase in verse 10 is manifestly a conclusion–ergo–of all the foregoing arguments of the passage. . . Paul was a highly intelligent person who knew how to argue a point. To pretend that he could not express what he wanted to say here in plain words is quite ridiculous. Paul was inspired by the Holy Spirit. These commentators are not. For this reason, we must yield at once that verse 10 means what it says, and we dare not reject its teaching for the “vain traditions of men.”

[But this is not the end of the misfits in these passages of scripture! Let’s look at two more:]


As to the clause of verse 10, “because of the angels,” a very common explanation, given by Dean Stanley for instance, one of the Translation Committee that produced our Revised Version, is that the angels and women fell into sin together, and therefore, he says, “Women ought not to part with the sign that she is subject, not to them, but to her husband. The authority of the husband is, as it were, enthroned visibly upon her head, in token that she belongs to him alone, and that she owes no allegiance to any one else besides, not even to the angels who stand before God’s throne.” This teaching (1) contradicts  Heb. 2:2. “The word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward.” (2) It assumes that angels are MALES, whereas they are sexless,–Mark 12:25. (3) We have already disposed of the superstition that angels sinned with women. (4) Christian women belong to Christ, who purchased them with His own blood,– not to their husbands.


Verse 4. Commentators set forth two or three views here: Men dishonour their own heads by wearing “a token of subjection.” If so, then Christ dishonoured His head when “He took on Him the form of a servant.” Why are not men called upon to imitate Christ’s humility? Another view is, that BECAUSE Christ is man’s Head man must not veil in His presence. This is more nearly correct. But if man must unveil before Christ, because Christ is man’s Head, in the same sense Christ is woman’s Head, and therefore she will dishonour Him unless she unveils in His presence. And if it is because of “headship,” then, since man is woman’s head, she should, for the same reasons, unveil before man. Here then is a double reason why women should unveil.

But next, in verses 5 and 6, we come to a clear statement which has given occasion for the assumption that Paul is arguing for the veiling of women, not against their veiling. Can we get an explanation for the words, “Every woman that prayeth or prophesieth with her head uncovered, dishonoureth her head.” which can be reconciled with St. Paul’s logic for unveiling? We promise a satisfactory explanation in due course. Please note that the penalty, “Let her be shown or shaven.” is softened to “let her cut off her hair,” by Dr. Weymouth, though it is not at all what the words mean. It is too much, even for these hardy expositors, to claim that Paul actually commanded the church to punish unveiled women after this fashion.

— Katherine Bushnell, 1923

(to be continued)

Sex Bias in the New Testament

genderbiasAs I move along through the King James Bible and reveal the changes in translation that have affected women throughout history, it is important for readers to understand that what they have been taught about the inerrancy and infallibility of scripture is a lie.  One of the biggest lies propagated in translation of scripture, is the position of women in places of leadership and authority.  If you have not understood this fact by the many revelations of these changes (on my blog) and how they have affected women, then you choose on purpose to be blind and follow this lie.  This is not to say that the Bible does not contain truth. It does. It contains a whole lot of truth —  MIXED with men’s opinions, preconceptions and lies regarding women.  What I am trying to point out is that because of man-made changes (sex bias) in the texts, women have been abused throughout history and relegated to subservience and abuses that God never intended. They have been stripped of equality, honor, dignity, mercy and compassion from men and religion!  These deliberate changes in translation need to be corrected.

Scholarship in Hebrew and Greek is the best its ever been in history as we have access to the most manuscripts we’ve every had in history for comparative analysis in order to find many of these ‘changes.’ All this said, let’s look at an instance from the New Testament of man’s opinion due to sex bias being inserted. There are more changes like this with more impactful results against women, but I will cover just one at this time to keep this article brief. Later, I will uncover more, each one, briefly for ease and quickness of reading.

Sophronan adjective which occurs four times, and is translated “sober” twice, “temperate” once.  In the fourth place it refers to women only, and is rendered “discreet” (Titus 2:5).

What we will find regarding the fourth rendering is that it is given to women purposely because it refers to women. So let’s start with a commentary from Dean Alford on this word and look at one of his notes on it.  Having first established the sense of the word as “self-restraint,” in its noun form, he says, concerning the rendering “discreet,”:

“This term certainly applies better to women than ‘self-restraint:’ there is in this latter [in “self-restraint”] in their case, an implication of effort, which destroys the spontaneity, and brushes off, so to speak, the bloom of this best of female graces.” — Bushnell, 1923

We thank Dean Alford for thinking that women can practice self-restraint without effort, but when we are reading our Bibles we prefer to know PRECISELY what the Holy Ghost addresses to us, instead of finding between its pages the OPINION of even the most excellent UNINSPIRED man (Bushnell).

The Greek noun sophrosune is built upon the adjective sophron,–as we add “ness” to “good” to transform it into “goodness.” A book of the Apocrypha, 4 Maccabees (1:31), defines the word correctly, where it says it means “the mastery of the lusts.” In the one instance in which the word is used of women it is rendered “sobriety” (1 Tim. 2:15), which is not bad. But I hunt up the word in my Green’s small lexicon to the N.T., and read there that the FEMALE meaning of the word is “modesty,” which precisely accords with what we are pointing out,--that these men seem to imagine that the same word has two meanings according to whether it refers to men or to women,–in the Bible, at least (Bushnell).

Please notice that in every article that I have written regarding sex bias on this blog, that men have continually pointed THEIR translation of certain Hebrew and Greek words to “modesty” or “submission” for women. Why does one think that this is so? Well, let me be very clear on the answer:  It gives MEN power and control over women. It gives them the “authority” to tell women what to wear and how to act.  This is why the world is ran by men and women are treated un-equalIy in every aspect of society– the result of religious influence on society.   I would also like to ask this question: “Why do all the “King James Only” Pastors and Christians the world over, tout THIS translation as the TRUE and INNERANT Word of God?  WHY would they choose a translation such as this one to base their very foundations on? Answer: Because it is the translation that wrote women out of authority and equality and put them into servitude to men. The end result of this translation is that it allows men to control, dominate and abuse women however they see fit and they teach that this is GOD’s VERY WORDS. Really?

More Instances of Sex Bias in Translation

Sex of accused witches2The purpose of pointing out translational sex bias is to show how men have written women out of places of authority and honor in scripture.  Through translation, men have relegated women to subservient positions, and inequality, instead of the positions that God gave them.  In abusive religions, it is always the intent of the men to keep women under their control for sexual advantage and power.  This is why it is very important that these errors be pointed out. These are not new to scholars.  These errors in translation are well-known to many scholars, and have been, for centuries. The problem lies with “theologians” that desire to continue to propagate a very “deceptive lie” to maintain power, advantage, control and sexual dominance. All these changes in translation do is bring upon women everywhere sexual abuse, physical abuse, emotional and psychological abuse, and death. The Inquisition is a testament to the corruptions and how they affected women when the King James Translation, fraught with sexual bias, errors  and corruption, was published and used as a weapon to subjugate, control and demean women; while the Church of Rome placed on them the “label” of “witch” and associated them with “Satan” and anything “bad” that happens. None of this is in scripture, but man’s own sex bias has caused this abuse. Anywhere women have been given authority and honor and autonomy in scripture, men have seen fit to change the manuscripts to give themselves the power, control and dominance.

The following is an excerpt from Katherine Bushnell, a Hebrew and Greek Scholar. This comes from her lesson 79 teaching:

  1. Isaiah 2:9 reads, “The mean man boweth down and the great man humbleth himself’.
  2. Isaiah 5:15, “The mean man shall be brought down, the mighty man shall be humbled.”
  3. Isaiah 31:8, “Not of a mighty man, . . not of a mean man.”

“Perhaps it will surprise the reader to be told that within these three short passages adjectives to the number of six have been added to the translation that do not exist in the original text, and no one but a Hebrew scholar can discover this for himself or herself.

We have been taught to believe that wherever words of importance are inserted into the English translation that do not exist in the original text, in order to convey the correct meaning to the English reader, those words are printed in italics, that all may understand that they are not in the original, and thus judge for themselves, by the help of the Spirit, as to their appropriateness. Thus, in verse 7 of this second chapter of Isaiah we read: “Neither is there any end of their chariots,” and we know that the three words in italics, — “is there any,” — do not belong to the original.

Not so, in these three passages. No word in them is printed in italics, and yet, the adjectives “mean,” “great,” and “mighty” have been added in every instance. . .

4.  Again, Psalm 49:2 reads, “Both low and high.”

5.  Psalm 62:9 reads, “Surely men of low degree are vanity, and men of high degree are a lie.”

Within these two short passages eight words are added to the text, and two words are left out, yet only a Hebrew scholar can discover it without aid, because the added words are not italicized as they should be, neither is there any indication of omitted words.

What does all this mean? . . . In most languages there are at least two words for “man,” one indicating the adult male, and the other meaning “mankind.” In Hebrew, as we have already explained, the adult male is indicated by the word ish; on the other hand, “mankind” is meant where adham (Adam) is used, when not of the person who first bore the name.

These passages should have been translated respectively something like this:

  1. “Man boweth down (or mankind boweth down), and the men humble themselves.”
  2. “Man shall be brought down, and the men shall be humbled.”
  3. “Not of the men . . . not of mankind.”
  4. “Both mankind and the men.”
  5. “Surely humanity (or mankind) is vanity, and the men are a lie.”

The best we can do, it is a little difficult to express the thing smoothly in English, because it lacks words which can always be used elegantly to distinguish between the adult male and mankind generally. The word we translate “the men” to conform to English usage, ish, is in the singular number. But a marginal note could have made this clear, without a dishonest translation of the text. And who but a set of pedants, inflated with intellectual pride, would have agreed that men were “great” when their mothers and wives did not appear in the same category, and “mighty,” “of high degree,” and “high;” but if the female sex and children get mixed with them, they must then be described as “mean,” and “low,” and “of low degree?”  These are not instances of faulty translations, but of unwarranted corruption of the meaning of the original text. The Hebrew has words for “high” and “low;” “mighty” and “mean,” If those were the ideas to be expressed; while ish is such a common word to be given these exalted meanings, that it is often rendered “each,” “everyone,” “whoso,” and “whosoever,”–referring to both sexes, sometimes to inanimate things, but mainly to the male.”

For further reading on corruptions made in translation, and more of Bushnell’s research, see the following Religion’s Cell articles on this blog:

Sex Bias Influences Translators – Part 1

Sex Bias Influences Translators – Part 2

The Conclusion of the Matter!

Offenders in the Church: Who they are and how do they operate?

The following video is a ‘must see’ for all pastors, church leaders and congregants of all denominations. You can visit GRACE on Facebook or visit their website.

What is GRACE?

GRACE is a non-profit organization made up of highly trained and experienced multi-disciplinary professionals who seek to educate and empower the Christian community to identify, confront and respond to the sin of child abuse.

[vimeo w=500&h=281]

Offenders in the Church: Who are they and how do they operate? from GRACE on Vimeo.


The Prevalence of Child Abuse in the United States

  • Child sexual abuse is 75x more common than pediatric cancer.
  • One child molester per square mile in the United States– Dept. of Justice
  • 38% of all girls and between 9%-16% of boys will be sexually abused by their 18th birthday. (With 75 million children in the United states, this translates to almost 15 million children who will be sexually victimized over the next 18 years!!)
  • 40% of children between 10-17 have been sexually solicited online.

The Prevalence of Child Abuse inside the American Church

  • Child abuse allegations against American churches average 70 per week. (Christian Ministry Resources. ** This number could be much higher due to under-reporting.)
  • 1% of surveyed churches reported abuse allegations annually!
  • Volunteers are more likely than paid staff to be abusers.

– 42% were volunteers
– 25% were paid staff
– 25% were other children

The ability of the Christian community to prevent child abuse has been hindered by inadequate information and training. The Church must learn to:

– Prevent Abuse
– Recognize Abuse
– Report Abuse
– Respond to Abuse

Those who harm children are often attracted to the Church environment.

“I considered church people easy to fool. . . they have a trust that comes from being Christians. They tend to be better folks all around and seem to want to believe in the good that exists in people. I think they want to believe in people. And because of that, you can easily convince, with or without convincing words.”

— Imprisoned Predator

Prevention Begins with Education on Child Sexual Abuse: General Observations

  • Abuse is seldom isolated. The average child molester victimizes between 50 and 150 children before being caught.

“I created my first victim when I was 13, a female victim. Sally was 6 and I was 13, I created my first male victim when I was 15, and I have been victimizing male children virtually nonstop until my incarceration.

Question:  How old are you now?
Answer: I am 33 now, and I have been incarcerated for three years.
Question:  How many total victims did you have?
Answer:  I have eleven male rape victims, one female rape victim, and I have approximately 1250 male molestation victims, and I say approximately because I really don’t know.

— Predator”

The “Double Life”

“I lived a double life . . . I would do kind and generous things for people. I would give families money that did not have any money and that was not from the church treasury. It was from my own bank accounts. I would support them in all the ways I could. Talk to them and encourage them. I would go to nursing homes and talk and pray with the elderly. I would do community service projects including picking up garbage and mowing lawns for elderly and handicapped people. . . go grocery shopping for them.”

— Imprisoned pedophile of admittedly over 95 victims and the youngest deacon in his church.

“I want to describe a child molester I know very well. This man was raised by devout Christian parents and as a child he rarely missed church. Even after he became an adult, he was faithful as a church member. he was a straight A student in high school and college. he as been married and has a child of his own. He coached little league baseball and was a choir director at his church. He never used illegal drugs and never had a drink of alcohol. He was considered the clean cut, all American boy. Everyone seemed to like him and he often volunteered in numerous civic community functions. He had a well-paying career and was considered “well to do” in society. But from the age of 13 years old, this boy sexually molested little boys. He never victimized a stranger. . . all of his victims were “friends”. . . I know this child molester very well because he is me!”

— Convicted child molester

Do we know any persons like these??? The fact is that a child abuser cannot be detected by his/her looks, his/her lifestyle, or his/her status in the community or church.


Impact of Likeability

  • Victims Protect Them (the abuser)
  • Parents Refuse to Believe (the Victim)
  • Authorities Discount (the victim’s story)
  • Communities Support Them (the abuser)
  • Juries Acquit Them (the abuser)

“Niceness is a decision. . . not a character trait” — DeBecker, 1997

Predators often prey on trusting and vulnerable young people.

Question: At church, you did not molest all the children. . . how would you choose?

Answer: First of all, you start the grooming process from day one. . . the children you are interested in. . . You find a child you might be attracted to. . . for me, it might be nobody fat.  It had to be a you know, nice-looking child. You maybe look at a kid that doesn’t have a father image at home. You know, you start deducting. . . this kid may not have a father, or a father that cares about him. . . say you have a group of 25 kids, you might find 9 that are appealing. . . then you start looking at their family backgrounds. . . then you find out which ones are most accessible. Then eventually, you get it down to the one you think is the easiest target, and that’s the one you choose to abuse.

– Imprisoned Pedophile

Predators will prey on children who few people will believe if they were to disclose the abuse.

“Persons who may be compulsive pedophiles, for instance, may obey the law in other ways, may be responsible in their work, may have concern for other persons.” – Berlin, quoted in Knopp, 1984, p.9

We must be vigilant in protecting ALL the children in our churches.

Child molesters are very professional at what they do, and they do a good job at it.

— Convicted child molester

Child Sexual Abuse within the Church – The 5 Exploitations

Exploitation of “Religious Cover”

  • “Religious Cover” is the outward demonstration of religious practices or doctrine that covers over more sinister intentions and behaviors.
  • Used to gain access and trust of children and their families (eg. youth workers, pastors, teachers, and coaches.)
  • Hard core offenders maintaining significant involvement with religious institutions “had more sexual offense convictions, more victims, and younger victims.” Eshurys & Smallbone, Religious Affiliations Among Adult Sexual Offenders (2006)

Exploitation of FAITH ISSUES

Issues of faith are often distorted & manipulated to coerce victims in submitting to abuse and to be quiet about it:

  • Defining “sin” to justify (Ex. This is the expression of God ordained love.)
  • Defining “sin” to silence. (Ex. You should be ashamed of your sin.)
  • Distancing from God. (Ex. Because of your sin, God doesn’t care about you, but I do.)

Can you think of others?

The victim’s own analysis of religious doctrine may result in confusion and silence.

Seven year old: “Am I still a virgin in God’s eyes?” “God is going to punish me for this secret sin.”

Exploitation of Power:

  • Submission to authority. From the earliest age, children are taught to “respect and obey their elders.”
  • Authoritarian Leadership – Faith leaders often distort their role & authority by claiming to speak for God.

– no accountability
– Unresponsive to concerns raised regarding abuse.
– Adults are valued more than children.
– Victims are seen as “sinful” and trouble-makers and are often ostracized.

These environments are ripe for abuse.

Exploitation of NEEDS:

Churches are always in need.

  • How many churches can you think of that are not in need of volunteers to help out with our children and young people? i.e. . . Nursery, youth group.
  • Child molesters will always use this need to their advantage in gaining access to our children.
  • Example: Predator moves into an area of need (choir director).

Church pews are filled with people in need.

Needy children and/or adults are magnets for those who sexually victimize children.

Exploitation of TRUST:

Christians usually foster a very trusting environment.

  • “Church Family”
  • Mission Field where the children referred to every adult as “Uncle” or “Aunt.”
  • Dropping off child in the nursery.
  • Can you think of other examples??

Children are taught to trust God. Clergy and adults should be “trusted” since they are “God’s representatives on earth.”

Eddie [pastor] always said that God had chosen me for something special. I guess I really wanted to believe that. Doesn’t every kid want to think they’re special? Besides, who was I to question a man of God? It wasn’t my place. My role was to be submissive.

– C. Brown (sexually molested by her pastor)

Sex Bias Influences Translators – Part 3 – The Conclusion of the Matter!

Sex Bias Influences Translators – Part 3

gender bias(See: Part 1 and Part 2 here.)

Understanding the “subtil” changes in translation regarding women, is of the utmost importance for women everywhere. In order to truly understand the scriptures and God’s will for women, we MUST endeavor to learn the TRUTH. If we do not, we will forever be ‘second-class’ citizens of the world. This was never God’s plan for us. This is why I have been covering this topic on sex bias and how it influenced the translators. This is why I spend all my time revealing the corruptions in translation of scripture on this blog through the words of known historians and scholars.  The countless articles I have written here, expose the LIES in translation that have affected every aspect of life for women across the globe.  Scholars the world over have known, for centuries, the changes in translation affecting women. But “religious” MEN have made sure to keep the many scholars and their findings, silenced.  Women and men everywhere need to open their eyes to the fact that women of the world, as a result of mistranslation, have been relegated to a state of servitude that has brought about the abuse of women worldwide throughout history. This said, let’s look at some more mistranslations that have been used as weapons against women everywhere.

Words in the Hebrew language are more difficult to set forth, to those that do not understand the language, because of the great variety of uses to which a word can be put. The same form may do duty as a noun, verb, and adjective, an adverb and even a preposition. For instance, the Hebrew word cha-yil, which occurs 242 times in the Old Testament, is translated:

  • “army” and “war” 58 times;
  • “host” and “forces” 43 times;
  • “might” or “power” 16 times;
  • “goods,” “riches,” “substance” and “wealth” in all, 31 times;
  • “band of soldiers,” “band of men,” “company” and “train” once each;
  • “activity” once;
  • “valour” 28 times;
  • “strength” 11 times.

The above are all noun forms. However, the word is often translated as an adjective or adverb too. It is translated:

  • “valiant” and “valiantly” 35 times;
  • “strong” 6 times;
  • “able” 4 times;’
  • “worthily” once and “worthy” once.

These are the complete lists of the various renderings of this word except for four instances in which the word is used in describing a woman. Please review the lists above and get the usage of the word clearly in your mind before proceeding further.

Now, let’s look at the last four of the remaining instances of this word as relating to women:

Ruth, the Moabitess, was a woman of courage and decision of character. In her loyalty to her dead husband’s mother, she refused to turn back and re-marry in her own land, but forsook her country and kindred to accompany her mother-in-law to a (to her) foreign land, and undertook there, to keep them both from starvation by the labor of her hands. Boaz, who afterwards married her, said to her: “All the city of my people doth know that thou art a woman of cha-yil,” (Ruth 3:11). Now considering the girl’s courage and devotion, how should this word have been translated? You have a list of meanings before you, and are quite competent to form an opinion. How would “thou art an able woman” or “thou art a woman of courage” do? The Septuagint Greek says, “Thou art a woman of power” (dunamis).

But it almost looks as though our English translators took no care, as to the precise language here. The circumstances, when Boaz spoke the words, were peculiar, but not improper in Israel; but man was praising a woman, and “of course” here is a reference to her reputation for chastity, and so it is translated, “thou art a virtuous woman.” But glance over the various meanings given to this word elsewhere. Not once has it reference to any other moral characteristic than that of strength or force. What courage this foreign girl had shown in supporting her mother-in-law!

Now for the next mistranslation of this word, because it relates to woman. The last chapter of Proverbs describes an ideal woman for a wife. The description is a mother’s to her son. It is quite different from the average man’s ideal of woman at her best. But the Bible describes her, in the language of Lemuel’s mother, as a woman whose “price is far above rubies.” Her are some of her striking characteristics:

  • “She is like the merchants’ ships, she bringeth her food from afar.”
  • “She considereth a field and buyeth it.”
  • “She girdeth her loins with strength, and strengtheneth her arms.”
  • “Strength and honour are her clothing.”

Surely this must be a “strong-minded” woman who is praised here!

Three times over, the “strength” of this woman of Proverbs is referred to. Each line of the description speaks of efficiency. She is praised in turn for the general goodness and trustworthiness, energy, efficiency, enterprise, far-sightedness, early-rising, business capacity, gardening, muscular strength, weaving, benevolence, fore-thought, embroidery work, elegant clothes for herself, tailoring for her husband, honor, wisdom, kindness, piety. But, as it happens, no definite reference is made to her purity, or to her faithfulness to her husband in the marriage relation.

Now what one word would best sum up such a character? The precise original expression is the same as in the verse we have quoted from Ruth,– “A woman of cha-yil.” We must suppose that the translators hastily concluded that they knew, without looking closely at the original, what sort of woman a mother ought to recommend to her son for a wife, and so they translated: “Who can find a virtuous woman?” That represents the undoubted sentiments of the translators; but it does not represent the teaching of the original text. “Virtue” is of priceless value to woman, to be sure; but her duty to her husband is not her ONLY duty; all her life cannot be summed up in that ONE moral quality.

“But,” someone will reply, “virtue is often used in the sense of a summing up of all moral characteristics.” That may be; but it would not be so understood by the common folk, in this connection, and the Bible is supposed to be translated for them. The vast majority, reading this verse, would suppose the word “virtue” to refer to the woman’s chastity. The Septuagint translates here (“Tell it not in Gath, publish it not in Askelon,” lest the study of the sacred tongues be prohibited to woman!), “A masculine woman. . . more valuable is she than very costly stones.”

And finally, the description of this ideal woman is summed up in the 29th verse, in the words: “Many daughters have done cha-yil, but thou excellest them all.” “Worthily,” “valiantly,” are the only translations that we have in any other part of the Bible for this word, when used as an adverb. But after the same careless manner, the word is here translated “virtuously.” We suppose there was an instinctive distaste for showing that the Bible praised, in the inspired words of a woman writer, a “strong” woman, for doing “valiantly.”

Now for the fourth instance of the mistranslation of this word: Proverbs 12:4 reads, in the original, “A woman of cha-yil is a crown to her husband,” and there is no doubt that she is here again praised for her strength of character. But the English reads, “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband.” Doubtless such a woman is a crown to her husband, but women prefer to know what the Bible says, rather than to be merely reminded of a favorite axiom among men. Here again, the Septuagint translates, “masculine.”

“But,” and objector will say ” ‘virtuous’ comes from the Latin word vir, which means ‘man,’ and why is it not the proper word to use here,–in the sense of ‘manly,’ strong?'” Because “virtue,” while it has this literal sense, is not used to describe “manliness” in English, but “morality” in general, among men: and when used of a woman, it is understood to refer to morality of one sort, more particularly, which happens not to be referred to in these extended descriptions in the quotations from Proverbs. If the translator had thought that this word “virtue,” or the word “virtuously” were likely to be understood in their literal sense by women,–“manly” and “manfully,” who can believe that he would ever have employed those words here?

Virtue is a quality of great importance to women, and had they been more clearly taught from pulpit, and by a more careful translation of such passages as we have been considering the obligation laid upon them in the Bible, to be strong, in body, mind and spirit; if these theologians themselves had learned this from the Bible, women would have been far better equipped to guard their virtue,–since the ruin of girls is usually due to weak character and general unfitness to cope with the world. To sum up: This Hebrew word, cha-yil, used over 200 times in the Hebrew Bible, signifies “force,” “strength,” “ability.” But in every instance where it relates to women, AND NOWHERE ELSE, it is translated “virtue,”–i.e., chastity.

— Katherine Bushnell, 1923

I sincerely hope that these lessons on sex bias open the eyes of those women and men that have been taught from the pulpits of America and abroad, to the FACT that MEN have changed scripture to write women out of autonomy, equality, honor, strength and dignity. These minor changes may not seem huge until one realizes the POSITION these changes relegate woman to in society and religion. It takes away their independence and freedom to be business minded, independent, and strong.  These changes have taken place not just in the Old Testament, but the New Testament as well, and I will continue to expose them.  In every society that is male-dominated, the changes made, relegate women to “servitude” to men.  This is not biblical. This is not ethical. This is not morally right. Women have been done the greatest injustices and no one seems to care enough to fix all the mistranslations regarding women. There are more mistranslations, but I think that one can get the picture here regarding the “subtil” work of men, in translation of scripture, to keep women in subjection to them.