By: Cynthia McClaskey
Dark secrets lie within the walls of Religion’s pristine cell,
They are hidden amidst TRUTHS that religion seeks to sell.
Poor souls get trapped in bondage within its walls so fair,
They see their cell as wonderful, for surely, TRUTH is there!
They cannot see the Darkness that hides behind the walls,
There is an ever-present Evil that hails to the Warden’s call.
The Simple feast on fatness, of words dressed in pure white,
Not knowing that the words they eat are poisoning them each night.
The words of TRUTH are laced with the faintest hint of LIE,
Just enough to make that TRUTH appear, to the Simple, to have new life.
This “taint” is man’s opinion, interpretations and fears;
And it’s just enough of darkness, to take them unawares.
The horrors found within this cell are covered in fear and dread,
For inside this prison of religion, lies many martyred heads;
Martyred by the church, for exposing abuse and lies
That the Warden has kept hidden, to keep control alive.
He leads them along in darkness, yet tells them they can see,
And inside the cell of Religion, are many anguished pleas.
For once you are enslaved, and bound in Religion’s Cell,
The Warden has control, as to him your soul, you sell.
For power and prestige, the Warden knows no bounds,
He masquerades as righteous, yet within, much evil resounds.
He fosters hate and judgment toward those who disagree,
He teaches abusive tactics that his followers cannot “see.”
The Warden builds his cells, to appeal to mens desires,
While making sure the Simple, do what he requires.
Those who are easily swayed to purchase the Warden’s wares,
Believe the “truths” they are handed that are meant to keep them there.
Trapped in bondage to Religion, and locked within its cell,
The Simple live their lives never knowing that they’ve failed;
Failed to see the bondage that has them bound within,
Failed to see the lies that the Warden seduced them with.
Religion’s Cell is dangerous, before it, princes cower,
It controls lives and fortunes, to keep its fame and power.
Breaking free from this cell may cost one all he owns,
Cause him grief and heartache, from those he’s always known.
But through the thick darkness, the TRUTH of God shines forth,
And severs the yokes of bondage to the Warden’s evil work.
The light breaks through the sorrow, that holds us in its snare,
Releasing the shackles of bondage that kept us hostage there.